VENTURESeries is a highly acclaimed executive certificate program and MBA track that focuses on the next generation of entrepreneurs. It is the single largest collection of coursework of its kind. New venture creation is carved out and dissected in a wide array of highly specialized, compact, fast-moving courses that provide entrepreneurial thinking, tools, skills, and know-how.
We teach the art and science of building new commercial enterprises. Hence, we are about innovation and discovery. And that means we are about penetrating emerging markets with new business models to drive revenue and profit.
Here are five powerful reasons to choose VENTURESeries as your path to entrepreneurial success:
VENTURESeries captures the meaning and spirit of entrepreneurship. Our courses show how owner-entrepreneurs can embark on the path to move idea to reality. We also show how even the largest Fortune-size company can fine tune its capability to develop, market, organize, execute, and invest in new enterprises. No other entrepreneurship program matches the diversity and precision of VENTURESeries coursework. Early stage companies are under our microscope. We demystify the world of angel investors and venture capital.
VENTURESeries professors are proven experts on an educational mission. Our faculty are highly seasoned practitioners recruited from the entrepreneurial ranks as well as the financial, venture capital, consulting, and legal professions. All have advanced degrees from leading universities. VENTURESeries professors take complete ownership of their course from its beginning development to hands-on delivery in the classroom.
VENTURESeries connects you to an "instant network" of heavy hitters in the entrepreneurial arena. These contacts include your VENTURESeries professors - but also the frequent guest speakers who play a key roll in VENTURESeries courses. Over 250 thought leaders and panel experts, including many CEO/founders, have left their mark in the VENTURESeries classroom over the years.
VENTURESeries is tailored to busy schedules typical of entrepreneurs on the run. Courses are completed in just two days - a single, back-to-back Friday/Saturday - in the Rauch Conference Center on the Lehigh University campus. We are an easy drive from New York City, Philadelphia, Scranton/Wilkes Barre, and Harrisburg areas, and are only 15 minutes from Lehigh Valley International Airport.
VENTURESeries is an integral part of MBA education at Lehigh. Named "The Best Part-Time MBA Programs" by BusinessWeek magazine, Lehigh ranks #1 in the mid-Atlantic region and #5 nationally. |